Sunday, 10 May 2009

My babyball in the Netherlands

It's a popular habit in Holland to organize a babyborrel, which is translated by my mother as babyball, which actually sounds nicer. For the party my uncle Peter prepared the invitation, which was finally improved and printed by Jos. As a preparation for the babyborrel, I was sleeping quite long in order to be completely fresh and awake to greet all the guests.
While I was sleeping, Daddy and grandma were preparing all the stuff in the car. The most important thing was to get my box at the party.
At that moment my Mummy woke me up and as you can see, I was not happy about it.
But when I got the opportunity to suck at Mummy's breast, of course my happiness increased.
I think I've had enough of Mummy's delicious milk. Maybe I can manage for 3-4 hours...
After that it was time to get my party clothing on.
Hahaha, no that is just me in my libero. Here you can see Mummy helping me to get dressed.
Tatata, fully dressed and ready to go! Mummy even made me wear my pink headband :-)
This is Mummy in "de Koosjtal", Tilly's partycentrum. The cake in the background made by grandma clearly shows it is a party for a cute little girl like me.
Here you can see the cakes, which my Mummy baked specially for this occasion.
And here I am waiting for my guests to arrive.
The catering is also ready to go!
And Daddy is filling his first plate with all this delicious Limburgs and Hungarian stuff.
As there are not too many guests around me now, I use the opportunity for a little power nap.
And here are all the presents which I got. I think the party was a big success!!!
Also Mummy and Daddy like the presents.
That is all for now. A story with all the guests will follow soon.

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