Monday, 7 December 2009

SANTA CLAUS is coming to town...

Hello, I`m back from my Dutch Grandma where I spent 2 nice weeks. I really enjoyed being there, but I was happy to come home to our nice house. I rediscovered all the spots in the house and, of course, all my toys. I`m extremely looking forward to Xmas. Perhaps I`ll be able to walk without help by then. Anyway, I`m trying to behave well, as my parents told me that Santa Claus only brings presents to well-behaved children. So how I behave??? Let`s see!

I`ve already done some research on Santa, but the Dutch version is different from the Hungarian one. I think my parents will have a problem in the future with making me believe in either the Dutch Sinterklaas coming from Spain by boat or the one which lives at the North Pole and visits children with his sleigh pulled by reindeers. Whose story will be more convincing: Daddy`s or Mummy`s?

In this picture I`m learning some Xmas carols with Daddy. We also listen to them regularly.

I`m a good girl all the time. :-) I sleep a lot...

...and I`m always relaxed when I wake up. I`m full of energy!!!

I help my parents a lot. Here I`m Daddy`s big help in putting my feeding chair together. Then you can see me helping with cooking.We are selecting some spices for the meat.

I eat properly. Look! I can eat a whole jar of baby food.

(My weight now is around 9.20kg and I`m 73-74cm tall.)

I`m so good to everybody that I also feed my favourite elephant, Oli.

I never make a big mess! Look! I`m just playing. It`s so much fun!

I hardly ever cry.

YES, BELIEVE ME! I`m always a good girl. :-)))

I also please Mummy with posing to her for the sake of the pictures.
As a result of my perfect behaviour, Mikulás visited me on 6th December. I got a cute little package with chocolates, which I had to offer to my parents as I`m not allowed to eat chocolates YET.

Mummy made me wear this red hat lined with white fur, but after a while it was too warm for me to wear. And... if I wear a hat, you cannot see my nice, long hair. :-)
Daddy also tried on the hat. By the way, I got that cute inflatable Mikulás from my Hungarian Grandma last weekend.

Look! Here I`m with my big brothers! They like me more and more.
So that`s all for now. I hope you liked the story and the fantastic photos of me.
Have a nice day/evening! Bye-bye! See you soon.
ps. I got my first birthday card!!! Thank you Tilly from Obbicht!
If you also want to send me a nice card for my 1st birthday, which is on 17th Dec, post it soon.
Mummy will hang each card in my room! :-) Thank you in advance! Bye!

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